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Thank you for helping me obtain spiritual and economic freedom by supporting my Christian college scholarship fund.
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About Me...

Thank you for supporting me!


My name is Evelyn Olivera. I am three years old living in Tecucigalpa, Honduras. My father is a minister at the Baxter Institute and my mother takes care of me at home.

I’d like to attend a Christian college because…

Going to college in the United States will help me grow and be able to support my parents and a future family. I’d like to go to a Christian college because I can grow my faith, sing songs to Jesus with my friends, and learn more from the Bible.


I’d like to study...
Music because my dad and I love to sing all of the time. I hope I can help teach other people to sing and use their voices to praise God.

I have sold 125 meals so far totaling $375 in profit toward my Christian college education. The Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ in Austin, TX has promised to match every sale I make so now I have $750. The Harmonize Foundation, CHEF, is matching those sales for a $1,500 in profit. I want to attend my dream school, Freed Hardeman University in Henderson, TN. They are matching that for a total of $3,000 in scholarship so far! That is only 574 meals left to attend a year at Freed Hardeman.

In addition to purchasing Freedom Food, please consider sponsoring a scholarship in my name. Along with the church, CHEF, and university matches just $1,437 means I can attend a full year at Freed Hardeman!

Donating direct scholarships is the fastest way to help me afford a Christian College education. Please visit to learn how!

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