The Future of Education
At LevlEd, we're transforming the traditional approach to education by gamifying student accomplishments, milestones, and activities both inside and outside of school. By using game mechanics such as points, badges, and leaderboards, we're able to motivate and engage learners like never before. Our platform not only recognizes academic achievements, but also extracurricular activities, community service, and personal growth, providing students with a comprehensive and holistic view of their progress. With our innovative approach, students are empowered to take ownership of their learning journey, and teachers are able to provide targeted feedback and support.

How does it work?
Students have a Gamified Digital Passport which allows them to capture progress when they complete a "Quest" that a teacher or administrator have created for them. These quests are designed to be engaging and motivating!
Click on Learn More below to see examples of a Gamified Digital Passport.

Teachers and Administrators
How does it work?
Teachers can motivate and engage their students like never before. Students are incentivized to achieve their goals and strive for success, which can help to improve attendance, participation, and overall academic performance.
Are you a teacher or administrator looking to see if Levleds Digital Passport will help your school? Click on Learn More below.